Insurance, Finance, Web, API, Integration
Online Insurance
Introduction: "Implement an online insurance web service for bank's clients, who use a specific debit/credit cards"
At the beginning:
• Only preliminary arrangements between the bank and the insurance company.
• 9 different participants in the project – managers, IT specialists, security officers, designers, our development team.
• The customer's lack of a person who could speak the same language with all parties to the process and successfully complete the project.
• The project was completed from scratch in two months. The web service put in operation on time.
• Together with the insurance web service we released an open API to make it available to use in bank's other software.
• Tens of thousands of insurance contracts were issued during the first year of operation.
Project notes:
• We took responsibility for synchronizing the vision of the project between the parties, developing and releasing the product. We organized several dozens of meetings with all participants to resolve communication and organizational problems.
• The architecture of our solution allowed us to develop software even in the process of agreeing on the final vision of the project. To implement the new requirements in 90% of cases, it was only necessary to reconfigure, and not write a new code or delete the old one.
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