Utilities, Web, Mobile, Integration
Mobile inspector
Introduction: "To increase the efficiency of the customers department process of fulfilling applications for serviced objects"
At the beginning:
• Managers distribute applications among executors manually.
• The executors spend time traveling to / from the office to collect information about serviced facilities and fill out reports.
• Reports for the top management of the organization are generated manually on Microsoft Excel.
• Implemented a web portal and a mobile application for customer employees.
• Reduced time for distribution of applications among the executors and verification of their work.
• Due to integration with the billing system, employees are provided with access to any necessary information about the serviced objects.
• Increased the number of applications executed by employees.
• Implemented tools for reporting.
Project notes:
One of the most interesting projects due to the combination of tight deadlines, the process of changing requirements and the use of mobile printers.
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